I just received this document and thought I'd share it today. Sorry it has little to do with real estate, but everything to do with where you may want to live.
Between 1900 and 2000 over one hundred million people were brutally murdered by communist regimes in search of Utopia. From Lenin and Stalin to Mao Tse Tsung, to Pol Pot in Cambodia and the Brutal Regime of North Korea, the quest to create a perfect society where people accept total state domination has been nothing but bloody.
As a system, Communism demands total and complete obedience to the state--just like ISIS (or as Obama calls them ISIL) and HAMAS; anyone who opposes or stands in the way of progress needs to be eliminated. It's as simple as that.
But bringing a society to the point where they will willingly participate in the slaughter of their own countrymen is not an overnight process. It is a gradual conditioning of the population to get them to believe that some people are not as worthy of life as others. Today we are witnessing this gradual process unfold before our very eyes, you'll see it on TV every night--even here in the USA.
Gregory Stanton has identified an eight-stage process that generally occurs in the conditioning of a people to prepare them for genocide. The first step is classification. This simply means classifying people into different groups and intentionally dividing people along ideological lines. (Young vs.Old; Rich vs. Poor, Black vs. White, Citizens vs. Aliens, Democrats vs. Republicans) Once this is accomplished, stark contrasts can be made between different cultural groups and these differences can be used to incite hatred and create discontent. The job of "boots on the ground" community organizers is essential here because one group of people must be convinced they are being oppressed by another.
In the United States we no longer have the traditional “American Citizen,” who grew up understanding America’s values and the virtues of liberty. Today we have the “hyphenated American” who instead of assimilating into American culture has decided to--and in fact is encouraged to--retain their own culture. This does little more than ensure America’s vast population has no common virtue in which they can unite. The best way to explain this is simply saying, “It's us against them..."
The next stage is known as “symbolization.” This is the process of attaching a negative symbol to ideology of "them" the targeted group. In the United States today, traditional Americans have been classified as potential terrorists because of their willingness to defend their rights under the Constitution. White males have been classified as being “racist simply for being white”. Once these ideas are established, they are nearly impossible to alter or eradicate. This is especially true when aided by the rabble organizers who are targeted at creating discontent.
The next stage is known as “dehumanization.” By teaching students that white men are privileged and racist, our elite (liberal) universities are dehumanizing nearly every white male in the country, at least in the eyes of the minorities that whites allegedly oppress. This is why traditional Americans are constantly being called racist for opposing new ideas proposed by the progressive Americans.
Think about the narrative concerning the border. Obama invited Guatamalan children to cross our Southern border--and now opposition to this amnesty agenda has the effect of dehumanizing those who want our existing laws enforced, and the border protected. The same holds true for Christians (in Syria and elsewhere) because they stand in the way of the state’s utopia, therefore they must be discredited and dehumanized in order for them to no longer pose a threat. ISIS has targeted Christians who are already facing extermination at the hands of the Islamofascists.
The next stage is “organization.” Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals is the organizing bible and teaches minorities that they are oppressed by America’s majorities--a.k.a. evil white men. The story told to emerging nations is that America has the schools, the government agencies, the medical organizations, and the message that America’s rich white men are intentionally keeping them down for financial gain is constant and relentless.
We saw in 2010 the formation of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement. This is a testament to how well the Alinsky rules can organize a political movement. These folks should not be underestimated. The kids from Occupy Wall Street drank the Kool Aid and today would likely follow a charismatic leader on a genocidal march across the land if they believed it would bring about the utopian Promised Land.
The next stage is “polarization.” There is little doubt that the white man in America is being polarized as over the past number of years we have seen a drastic rise in black on white violence. Black people have been so conditioned to believe that the white man is intentionally keeping him down that violence has become the accepted and justified solution. It must be noted that radical blacks are being used by Alinsky followers to carry out a political agenda. When it is accomplished, they too will be targeted. Some say this is where the US is today, pretty far along, but not quite to the tipping point.
This brings us to the final three stages which are “preparation, extermination and denial.”
The genocide would be carried out with the belief that they are doing something for the betterment of mankind. In the end, it’s nothing but the senseless murder of millions. Then, when it is completed, it is denied. To this day there are many people who view the Old Soviet Block as a paradise on Earth and refuse to believe that Lenin and Stalin together, murdered nearly 60 million of their own countrymen.
Whether or not this happens in America is entirely up to us.
Between 1900 and 2000 over one hundred million people were brutally murdered by communist regimes in search of Utopia. From Lenin and Stalin to Mao Tse Tsung, to Pol Pot in Cambodia and the Brutal Regime of North Korea, the quest to create a perfect society where people accept total state domination has been nothing but bloody.
As a system, Communism demands total and complete obedience to the state--just like ISIS (or as Obama calls them ISIL) and HAMAS; anyone who opposes or stands in the way of progress needs to be eliminated. It's as simple as that.
But bringing a society to the point where they will willingly participate in the slaughter of their own countrymen is not an overnight process. It is a gradual conditioning of the population to get them to believe that some people are not as worthy of life as others. Today we are witnessing this gradual process unfold before our very eyes, you'll see it on TV every night--even here in the USA.
Gregory Stanton has identified an eight-stage process that generally occurs in the conditioning of a people to prepare them for genocide. The first step is classification. This simply means classifying people into different groups and intentionally dividing people along ideological lines. (Young vs.Old; Rich vs. Poor, Black vs. White, Citizens vs. Aliens, Democrats vs. Republicans) Once this is accomplished, stark contrasts can be made between different cultural groups and these differences can be used to incite hatred and create discontent. The job of "boots on the ground" community organizers is essential here because one group of people must be convinced they are being oppressed by another.
In the United States we no longer have the traditional “American Citizen,” who grew up understanding America’s values and the virtues of liberty. Today we have the “hyphenated American” who instead of assimilating into American culture has decided to--and in fact is encouraged to--retain their own culture. This does little more than ensure America’s vast population has no common virtue in which they can unite. The best way to explain this is simply saying, “It's us against them..."
The next stage is known as “symbolization.” This is the process of attaching a negative symbol to ideology of "them" the targeted group. In the United States today, traditional Americans have been classified as potential terrorists because of their willingness to defend their rights under the Constitution. White males have been classified as being “racist simply for being white”. Once these ideas are established, they are nearly impossible to alter or eradicate. This is especially true when aided by the rabble organizers who are targeted at creating discontent.
The next stage is known as “dehumanization.” By teaching students that white men are privileged and racist, our elite (liberal) universities are dehumanizing nearly every white male in the country, at least in the eyes of the minorities that whites allegedly oppress. This is why traditional Americans are constantly being called racist for opposing new ideas proposed by the progressive Americans.
Think about the narrative concerning the border. Obama invited Guatamalan children to cross our Southern border--and now opposition to this amnesty agenda has the effect of dehumanizing those who want our existing laws enforced, and the border protected. The same holds true for Christians (in Syria and elsewhere) because they stand in the way of the state’s utopia, therefore they must be discredited and dehumanized in order for them to no longer pose a threat. ISIS has targeted Christians who are already facing extermination at the hands of the Islamofascists.
The next stage is “organization.” Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals is the organizing bible and teaches minorities that they are oppressed by America’s majorities--a.k.a. evil white men. The story told to emerging nations is that America has the schools, the government agencies, the medical organizations, and the message that America’s rich white men are intentionally keeping them down for financial gain is constant and relentless.
We saw in 2010 the formation of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement. This is a testament to how well the Alinsky rules can organize a political movement. These folks should not be underestimated. The kids from Occupy Wall Street drank the Kool Aid and today would likely follow a charismatic leader on a genocidal march across the land if they believed it would bring about the utopian Promised Land.
The next stage is “polarization.” There is little doubt that the white man in America is being polarized as over the past number of years we have seen a drastic rise in black on white violence. Black people have been so conditioned to believe that the white man is intentionally keeping him down that violence has become the accepted and justified solution. It must be noted that radical blacks are being used by Alinsky followers to carry out a political agenda. When it is accomplished, they too will be targeted. Some say this is where the US is today, pretty far along, but not quite to the tipping point.
This brings us to the final three stages which are “preparation, extermination and denial.”
The genocide would be carried out with the belief that they are doing something for the betterment of mankind. In the end, it’s nothing but the senseless murder of millions. Then, when it is completed, it is denied. To this day there are many people who view the Old Soviet Block as a paradise on Earth and refuse to believe that Lenin and Stalin together, murdered nearly 60 million of their own countrymen.
Whether or not this happens in America is entirely up to us.
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